Sunday, January 25, 2009

Let the Games Begin!

It's been a while, I know. Another semester has started up here at ODU, and even though I am heading into the final leg of my first year, this semester is no easier than the first. It is an entirely different beast than what last semester was. This semester is going to be reading intensive. There's a lot to be done, and so far I am managing to stay on top of things.

The end of last semester brought itself out to a good end. I managed to earn a 3.4 GPA which is the best GPA that I've ever earned in my academic career. The time spent at home was amazing. There were plenty of days I would lay in the bed and not get up until 12:00, noon. In addition, I got to spend some great time with the family as well as my beloved animals. Christmas was also wonderful.

Soon after Christmas, I set my sight on a relatively random purchase- the Nintendo Wii. Being it right after the holidays, and the already high demand and rarity of this particular console, I didn't figure that I'd have much luck running one down. I called stores, nothing, I searched online and found some that were definitely at scalping prices. Finally, I I remembered a new store that had just opened, GameStop. So I gave them a call, and low and behold, they had three in stock. I raced down to the store that Sunday night, right after I made the phone call. Upon arrival and to my dismay, they were closed. Very frustrated, I drove home, but not before I lit up my tires in their parking lot.

The next morning, I called the store again just to ensure that I wasn't wasting another trip. So I started to head down there, and I patiently sat in my car until they opened. Upon opening, I went in, and claimed my very own Nintendo Wii. I was amazed that I had actually found one.

As soon as I came home and set it up, things got interesting. Pretty soon, the whole family was in front of the TV, duking it out in a boxing match, or throwing balls down a virtual lane in hopes to rack up that perfect bowling score. Time at home drew to a close, and I returned to Norfolk for more training, and getting ready to training RAs and DRs. Of course, my Wii came with me.

The start of the busy semester came, and I soon had to exchange time on the Wii for time on the books. Assignments, office hours, interviews for internships for the summer...everything barreling down over my head. That's life when school is in session.

Now that I do have a Wii, every time I am out at Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc, I always like to peruse the game section to see if there is anything that catches my eye. I've got all the popular games: MarioKart, Wii Play, etc. I had begun to take some interest in the Wii Fit. I figure that if it does what its supposed to do, I can start loosing weight, like I vowed to at the start of the year.

Let's face it. School and eating habits take their toll, and I have come to discover that I'm not exactly as thin as I used to be. That said, I began a search for the Wii Fit. I wasn't adamant about running one down, but if I was given the opportunity, I certainly would pounce on it!

That being said, I happened to be at Wal-Mart earlier this week, perusing the game section, where I just so happen to be looking for the Fit. An associate approached me and asked me if there was any way she could help me. When I inquired about the Fit, she explained to me that they were out of stock, but I should check back early Sunday morning, because they were expecting a shipment. Sunday morning came, where my alarm clock erupted at 7:15 AM. Without skipping a beat, I rolled out of bed and headed to my computer to look up the store's phone number. (I wasn't about to waste a trip that early in the morning). After being placed on hold, I spoke to someone in electronics, who confirmed that they were indeed in stock.

I was in the store by 8:00 AM, and after picking up a few additional things, I finally had my Wii Fit. As soon as I got home, I sat my things down, still in their bags, tore off my clothes, and (you guessed it) went back to bed for an additional two hours.

When I got up, I was in no hurry, so I lounged on the couch watching tv for a while, and made myself breakfast. Then after a little more TV, I decided it was time. I stepped on the fit, and the challenges began. The experience is definitely "whole body" gaming. The wii fit is definitely a fun and enjoyable experience. It can be used at leisure, or as a workout.

A little later, I did something that I hadn't done in a while. I donned on some shorts, and a light shirt. I was going to work out, Wii style. But before I get into all that. Wii Fit is more than just a balance board. It's a scale, a BMI Calculator, and a balance indicator. During the game, my weight, BMI, and balance were all inventoried. Then I set a weight loss goal for myself.
Now back to the workout. There is a lot of possibility. Just you tube the Wii Fit and see what results come up. My personal workout with the fit was very engaging. I focused a lot on the abdominal exercises, and I am still feeling the twinge! Overall, I am very satisfied.

So there it is. My Wii collection, complete. Perhaps you'll read about my progress here and there, so keep an eye out. Hopefully, I can find some time to work out, and stay on top of the books this semester.