Monday, December 1, 2008

Runnin' on "E"

I feel as if I am fighting an uphill battle, where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm runnin' out of steam, and my give-a-damn's busted. I'm at the point where I will bullshit my way through an assignment, just so I can call it done. And frankly, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Thanksgiving break was one of the greatest things that has happened to me in a long time. Despite the 6 hour drive, coming home to see my family and my dogs. Two of my dogs in particular were happy to see me. The moment I walked through the front door, after being tackled with a barrage of hugs and kisses from my mother, I sat in the floor for a solid 10 minutes and did nothing but hold and pet my dogs. They were just as happy to see me as I was them. It was one of the greatest things in the world.

Thanksgiving break was also great because of the sabbatical from work that I took. I brought absolutely no work home with me, and left it all back in Norfolk to fend for itself. What I did at home, was sleep in everyday, and when I actually did get up, I did what most rednecks from my area do- make noise. My brother and I both drug out our deer guns. Now, our rifles are sighted in at 50 yards, because, when you're in the thick of the woods, 50 yards is really all you need. Well, we were feeling a bit ambitious, so we took our targets and placed them about 150 yards from where we were shooting. Looking through that scope, that target didn't look any closer, but somehow, I managed to squeeze off two rounds and place them both within an inch of each other inside the target area. Case and point- if you were a deer, you'd be dead. It had been so long since I had actually shot that gun, and I pleasantly surprised myself.

Of course with Thanksgiving, you eat a lot of great food. That was no exception with my break, as I had generous rounds of home-canned green beans, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, and of course, turkey. It's just another thing that makes me miss home when I am up here.

It was a short lived three days that I spent back home, and then I had to return to my current existence that resides in Norfolk. Again, I drove a boring 6 hours back to my apartment, only to again, do the normal routine starting Monday- office hours till 3, class at 4:20, Dinner at 7. Homework/TV for the rest of the night.

As this semester winds down, I have all but a few things in my way. A paper and presentation that are due Tuesday. I have a little further to go on these things, but I am anticipating that they will be finished tonight. Then Wednesday brings another presentation that is due, which I will work on (you guessed it) Tuesday night. After that, all I have to do is submit a paper that I've already written, study for exams and then take my exams.

After all is said and done, I am doing nothing but vegging out on my couch, playing video games, and getting ready to close my building for winter break. Like I said, it's an uphill battle that's being fought by someone who's running out of steam.

I gotta keep hanging in there. Just two more weeks. Just a few fumes left.

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