Monday, September 22, 2008

A Welcomed Week of Worrying...

Ok, so I know that my past few entries have been about thoughts and observations about happenings in class. This blog won't be about that, I promise. Ok, not quite. This will still pertain to student life, but more specifically, mine.

As you may know, I am currently living out of a hotel. I have been for the past month and 5 days. (Who's counting now?) The reason I am living out of a hotel is because I, a Residence Hall Director, and 286 eager first-year students are awaiting the day our residence hall reaches a status of completion. That day is tomorrow. Well, for staff anyway. Tomorrow, the entire staff of my building will begin moving and making the transition into our new building. As exciting as this is, it also presents a great deal of stress and worrying.

There are still a few kinks to work out of the building. And I'm sure, because the building is new, these kinks will continue to be worked out. My assistantship is actually beginning to kick in. These past few weeks, I've had to hire a staff of 8 Desk Receptionists, train them, and schedule them to work. While most of this has been smooth, it has happened at break neck speed.

In a positive light, I was able to enter the building today and see my actual living space near its completion. Furniture has yet to be installed, but hey, at least I have a fridge. Yeah, I think that's all they've installed at this point. In addition to this, I got to take a look at my office. (I have an office?) This is a pretty sweet deal, I won't lie.

So, you may be sitting there in your seat, thinking, "Mark, you've got it made! You've got a brand new apartment, building, office...everything!" Right you are, but you also need to think about the transition into our new building. That's where the worrying kicks in. We're not doing this all in one day. No. That would be hell. We are stretching this over the span of the week. So, by Saturday, theoretically, we will be entirely out of the hotel. It doesn't sound like much, but we have a lot to focus on, and a lot of chances to drop the ball. I don't want to be the one who drops the ball. Although, I do have the innate fear that it will be me who drops it. I always sucked at dodge ball.

So, we'll see how this week pans out. As a student, I'm on top of things. Homework is pretty much taken care of at this point. My greatest concern is getting into my new building. I move my stuff in Tuesday, but I will not be able to settle until Saturday, when everyone is moved in. That sucks. All I want, is to get back in the swing of things.

Here's to worrying.

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