Friday, September 26, 2008

With a New Building Comes New Woes

The past three days have been a hell of a three days. Being a Grad Assistant, I was able to move into my apartment early (which is very nice by the way) but I was not able to settle until today.

These past three days have consisted of a noreaster, 5 AM mornings and 1 AM nights, and a laundry list of problems that every new building has. The minor stuff, you know. And all on top of that- me being in charge of the entire building because my boss is actually out of town bringing his stuff down from his home state.

With most, if not all of our residents out of the hotel, we can actually adjust to the swing of things. We're on campus. But with that, comes a greater challenge. These first years have become spoiled. Spoiled by the "magic" of turndown service, and weelky room cleanings. At the hotel, you could simply place your trash outside your room, and the folling morning, poof! Its gone! They will soon find that this is not the case now that they are in their residence hall. Already, students have placed their empty moving boxes out into the hallway thinking they will magically disappear overnight. Such was the case on our third floor, that if a Fire Marshal had been in the building, he would've had a hay day writing us citations. You could not see the floor for so much cardboard.

However, added to this, come benefits. As I said, we're now on campus. Our students no longer have to worry about catching the bus, waking up extra early for classes, and every pain-in-the-ass problem you could ever think of. On a personal note, my apartment is pretty sweet. This is my first "official" space since the residence hall room, which by my standards is a HUGE upgrade. I thought I had so much stuff, but since I moved into the new apartment, my perspective of "stuff" has changed.

All that remains for us here in our new building is to become nestled, and once again, find our niche. *Sigh* It's good to be home.

1 comment:

  1. You better be taking notes because I'm going to be in your position come January.

    Congratulations, tootsie roll. You done good.
