Monday, May 6, 2013

IFR: A Week In

Last week, I wrote a post with the fullest intention to begin the process to add the IFR ticket to my Private Pilot Certificate.  While I still have the intention to do so, the first week has been rather uneventful.  As I sat down the first night in front of my computer to begin this process, my study software had the first topic to address- Federal Aviation Regulations.  97 questions to review, I set to work looking at each question, settling back into the once-familiar groove I used to prepare for the PPL and AGI.  Some 50 minutes later I finished reviewing, feeling accomplished in the fact that I had learned some new things.

The next day I continued the routine, but not before reviewing what I'd looked at the day before.  This particular day's topic was IFR Flight Planning and after a few minutes in, I began to feel somewhat under prepared.  This study session brought with it lots of charts, flight plans, and general trivial information that needed to be crammed in my head.  Soon I realized that I didn't have what I needed to be successful for this session, so a few minutes later I closed the session and took to the internet to order my testing supplement that is full of those charts and diagrams.  Personally, I prefer to have the booklet in front of me, rather than staring at a computer screen and being forced to use scroll bars to grasp the entire picture.  While I was at it, I also ordered my IFR kneeboard and View-limiting device, even though I knew I would not be needing them anytime soon.

Since my supplies were not scheduled to arrive for the next few days I took a break from studying, rationalizing the fact that I still have plenty of time to get everything in.  I fully had the intention of studying more this week, but after a brief spell of feeling under the weather and lacking the motivation necessary to study, I found myself short on study time this week.

Feeling a bit better this weekend I found myself in front of my computer screen again studying away.  Now that my testing supplement had arrived, I felt more confident in my abilities to grasp the material, but after a few questions in, I once again felt the doubts creeping in.  The material again seemed foreign and unfamiliar, and I began to realize that some additional reading and review is going to be required before I move further.  Cutting my study session short once again, I decided to call it a night, and save everything else for this week.  I still have plenty of time ahead of me to get familiar with this material.  I am determined to be successful.

Total Study Time:  2.3 hours


  1. Don't get discouraged Mark. We've all been there. I've been there in the past month. Everything looks foreign and unfamiliar at first. The more time you spend with it the clearer it will become.

    1. Thanks for the continual motivation Brad. I'm hoping to keep making progress. It's just been dreadfully slow.
